Were one of your new year resolutions to save money?
It’s very well easier said than done. If you really want to save this year, you have to move from resolutions to results.
Here are 4 things that prove you’re serious about saving money:
1. Your wish to save turns into a plan.
How many of us have said we’re going to do something but never ‘get around’ to actually do it? Our intentions may be good, but it proves to be difficult to turn an idea into action because there isn’t a concrete plan in place. When it comes to saving money, it is extremely important to write down specific goals so you can successfully achieve them.
As you shift from wishing to writing down your goals, you want to make sure they are S.M.A.R.T. Each of your savings goals must be specific, measureable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound.
Here’s how you can transfer your thoughts onto paper:
Your wish: “I want to go on 2 international trips this year.”
Your goal: “I will save $2,000 before September 12, 20xx towards 2 roundtrip international flights.”
As you move your thoughts from your mind to a written goal, it doesn’t simply stop there. From your specific goal, you have to create a plan.
How will reach the savings of $2,000?
Your plan: “I will save $250/month from February 20xx to September 20xx in order to have $2,000 in the bank.”
2. You open a savings account(s) separate from your checking.
Let’s be clear. All savings accounts are not created equal.
If your savings can be transferred to your checking account instantly, to me, it is not a savings account. It’s called a checking remix because the money will inevitably be spent on things you don’t need.
If you want to save with discipline, you should consider a high yield online savings account. The benefits of these accounts include: an APR above 1.00% and 2-3 business day transfers.
You want your money to be interest-earning, inaccessible, and free from unnecessary fees when you are saving for short and midterm goals.
Here you can find which saving accounts are best for your money.
3. When you focus more on your bank receipt savings more than your store receipt savings.
As mentioned in one my very first post, we can no longer rely on our store receipts to tell us that we saved and the amount we saved. If our favorite shoes retailed at $150, and we scored them for $75. We did not save $75 simply because the receipt said it.
Our savings didn’t occur until the amount difference was transferred to a savings account.
So, next time you go out with the homies or your girlfriends and you brag about how much you’ve saved, make sure that you 1. Have a savings account, not a checking remix and 2. Added the difference of the amount saved according to your receipt in the account.
4. When you see your ability to save more than your inability to save.
Wealth is an ever-evolving journey, not a destination. It is a marathon, not a sprint. The process of becoming wealthy should not be a competition between you and someone else, but rather between you and you.
There maybe things you see as barriers that prevent you from saving, such as: low income, massive debt, and/or high expenses. However, when you live in the realm of abundance, there are no barriers because you are in control of the opportunities you seek.
An abundance outlook shifts your language from “I can’t afford to save money,” to “How can I save money?” In order to see yourself saving money, you have to move from excuses to exploration. Asking yourself “How can I save money?” helps you explore the possible. You may explore the possibility of cutting back on expenses, picking up a part time, and/or starting a side hustle.